I Will Follow You...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Newly bought Spectra 3 for Sale

Yup, I am letting go my Spectra 3 for the price of RM350 RM300. (Including Postage)
(Original Purchase Receipt available)
(Normal RRP: Pump Set RM388 + Additional Breast Shield Set RM70 = RM458)

1. The set consists of;
  • 1 x Pump
  • 2 x Tubing
  • 2 x Breast Shield
  • 2 x Standard-to-Wide Bottle Neck Converter
  • 2 x Valve head c/w membrane
  • 2 x Membrane (Spare)
  • 1 x Bottle Stand
Spectra 3
Suction strength (mmHg) 0 ~ 270 (+/- 10%)
Suction cycle (Cycles/minute) Approx.35
Dimension (cm) 16.7(L) X 13.5(W) X 9.7(H)
Dual pumping options Yes
Suction settings adjustable
Power source Ac adapter
Electric Yes
Weight(kg) Approx. 1.4kg
Warranty 6 months
 *Item not included : 1 Spectra Bottle

2. The condition of the pump;
  • newly bought (mid Apr 2010) warranty end on October 2010
  • 9.5/10
  • very seldom used
3. Reason for letting go;
  • Already owned Medela Freestyle
  • Have bought various breastpump and can't afford to keep all of them
4. Others
  • MomsLittleOnes bag for Spectra 3 c/w Cooler Bag for only RM100 
  • Also selling my newly bought Medela Harmony (early April 2010) for only RM140 (RP:RM269)  SOLD TO AMZIRA-TQ

Please email me at kedondongmasam@gmail.com for further enquiry.

ISO 9001:2008 ... Post-Audit...

The last 2 weeks memang sangat busy. Tak menang tangan nak buat itu ini. Kena plak teman seperjuangan kena operate ketumbuhan kat dahi (Lepas ni Abg Jep dah tak jadi flower horn la..hikhik).

Alhamdulillah, the audit has been successfully conducted. Walaupun banyak hiccups here and there, so far I managed to go through all the questions given. Also, walaupun the MD tak heran pun bila our company managed to get accreditation (F.R.U.S.T.A.T.E.D.)!

Cuma, a bit dissapointed on my current status. My dilemma:
  • Dalam Offer Letter, saya QA Engineer tapi dok buat kerja Customer Service (takpela, still related to current job la kan)
  • Dalam masa yang sama, saya juga buat tender, kena buat Service&Maintenance Job, kena buat agreement, costing, bla bla bla
  • Saya kena establish procedure, maintain dan sebagainya. Tapi saya selalu tak boleh buat semua tu sebab kena utamakan 2 perkara yang sebelumnya
  • Saya kena handle auditor yang mana biasanya jadi kerja Management Representative, tapi saya tak pernah dilantik jadi MR. Saya kena buat decision untuk semua prosedur (amendment, revision, obslete etc) yang mana kebiasaannya dilakukan oleh MR, tapi sekali lagi saya nyatakan, saya bukan MR
  • Dalam carta ISO Committee, saya juga bukan MR. Saya juga bukan MR yang ada hak untuk join dalam Management Review meeting. Saya hanya semut kecil di celah-celah gajah, zirafah, singa dsb
  • Saya yang nak kena jawab CA daripada Stage 2 Audit ni...
I am a bit frustated bukan sebab my job not being recognised, tapi rasa macam tak berbaloi nak masukkan dalam CV. Bagi aku, biarlah "orang" tak recognise job kita as long as Allah yang lebih tahu nawaitu kita dalam pekerjaan yang kita laksanakan...InsyaAllah, aku cuba tetapkan hati, kerja itu ibadah...
Anyway, dah dapat recommendation for certification. Alhamdulillah, penat lelah aku menepis semua hinaan dan cabaran orang sekeliling, ditambah pula oleh mereka yang sentiasa menguji kemampuan aku...terbalas jua akhirnya.

Projek yang semua orang dok kata;

"Ala, dari zaman N***i P****n tak pernah berjaya nak dapat ISO ni..."
Nah! Aku buktikan kemampuan team aku. Aku buktikan semuanya boleh menjadi kenyataan.
Terima kasih ku yang tidak terhingga kepada team member aku yang bersusah payah, meninggalkan masa-masa berharga bersama keluarga demi mempastikan audit kali ini berjalan lancar. Jasa kalian tak terbalas olehku...

Pendek kata;
Teamwork is the journey to success...
Yup, the next following weeks boleh la aku bersantai sekejap sambil menjawab 5 minor NC nih...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Lil Muhammad's New Toy!

I finally bought him the Bumbo Seat! Yay!
I discovered that he love being in there. Baguih anak mama nih...senang mama nak wat kije ye.
A week before, aku beli K's Kids Flexi Arch, then my mom kata dia dah tak mo baring, dok meniarap plak. Tu yang sudahnye aku grab seat tuh.

Flexi Arch + Bumbo Seat = Perfect Combination!

Tapi satu lagi masalah...dia mau dok diam, tapi abih seat tu dia gigit. Dah gatal gusi ke anak mama nih?

Takpe, esok mama cari teether plak, ok?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Encouraging Baby Development - 4 Months (Week 4)

1  Ready, Steady, Go
Though your baby is probably still a few months away from sitting up or crawling, there are activities you can do now that help prepare him for those achievements down the line.
Appropriate for: 4 to 7 months
Skills developed: Motor, balance
What you'll need: No equipment necessary

Even before your baby learns to sit on his own or crawl, he'll show an interest in getting around. You can help him start to develop the skills he'll need to move with a few easy exercises. For sitting, improve his stability by propping him upright with his knees out and his heels near his bottom, so that his legs form a diamond. Expect him to tip, especially at first, but encourage his efforts to hone his balance. For crawling, place him on his tummy and press the palms of your hands against the soles of his feet. As he pushes against your hands (perhaps by accident at first), he'll move forward – more and more, as he learns the consequences of his actions. If he's already up on all fours and rocking back and forth, encourage him to crawl by holding or placing favorite objects just beyond his reach.

2  Ups and Downs
Your baby probably won't learn to sit up for several more months, but as her back and neck grow stronger, she's ready to practice. (As you may have noticed, she's also eager to see the world from a more upright angle.)
Appropriate for: 3 to 6 months
Skills developed: Gross motor coordination
What you'll need: No equipment necessary

Lay your baby on her back, propped up slightly on a pillow. Sit facing her and grasp her hands firmly. Gently pull her to a sitting position, letting her head follow her shoulders, and enjoy her expression as she sees the world from this new angle. Gently lower her and repeat as long as she's having fun. As your baby gets used to this game, keep her sitting up a little longer and sing a chorus of "Michael Row Your Boat Ashore" or "Row, Row, Row Your Boat," alternately pulling each of her arms in a rowing motion before lowering her back onto the pillow.

Baby's Development - 4 Month (Week 4)

Sitting pretty

By now, your baby's physical developments are coming fast and furious. When lying on her back, she'll lift her head and shoulders as you reach to pull her up. If you place her on her stomach, she'll extend her arms and legs and arch her back. This is good exercise for strengthening her neck muscles, and it will help her develop the head control necessary for sitting up.

When you pulled your baby into a sitting position a few weeks back, her head lagged behind her arms and shoulders. Now, she can anticipate the direction you're pulling her, and her head will follow right along with the rest of her body. What's more, her spine is straightening, allowing her to sit unsupported, which frees her hands for exploring, and she can pivot to reach a desired object.

Once her back and neck muscles are strong enough to hold her upright and she's figured out where to put her legs so she won't topple over, it's just a matter of time until she moves on to proper crawling, standing, and walking. Until she can get into a sitting position without your help, you can prop her in the corner of your sofa or on your legs to steady her.

Ba ba ba ba ba ba . . .

Your baby is adding new sounds to her language repertoire, and she may sound like a broken record. Babies this age often become so enthralled by a newfound ability that they get stuck on it for a while. This is normal — babies tend to master one skill before moving to the next.

Hearing the same sound over and over can get annoying, but practicing patience now will prepare you for the endless string of "nos" and "whys" you'll be hearing from your child soon enough.

Your baby may also watch your mouth intently when you speak and try to imitate inflections and utter consonant sounds such as "m" and "b."

Peaceful goodnights

Following a well-established nighttime routine, which might include a bath or a bedtime story, for example, may help settle your baby to sleep. It's a good idea to consistently "sequence" your baby toward slumber: Feed her, give her a bath, put her in her pajamas, play a game, read her a book, sing songs or play some music, then put her down.

A beloved routine gives you and your baby plenty of time to connect and wind down. You may decide to alternate going-to-bed activities with your partner (you do the bath, he reads the story, and so on). Or, to give both of you a regular break, try taking turns, with one person responsible for putting your baby to bed each night.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Baby's Development - 4 Month (Week 3)

A barrel of laughs

Even though crying is still your baby's strongest form of communication, he's also developing his sense of humor during his fifth month. He may start to laugh at pleasant surprises such as your face appearing from underneath a blanket or a toy popping out of a box, provided it isn't too loud or startling.

Encourage your baby's laughs, giggles, and smiles with funny faces and lots of general silliness. Babies enjoy hearing a variety of sounds and you don't need special toys or instruments to provide them. Simply click your tongue, whistle, or make animal noises — your baby will love it!

Exploring objects

Encourage your baby to experiment and play with a variety of objects. Something as simple as a clean cloth diaper might occupy him for several minutes. Watch him suck on it, hold it, and discover what happens when he scrunches it up.

Give him a light rattle and see him delight in the sound it makes when he shakes it. An activity center or crib gym is a good choice for this stage, as your baby begins to explore the cause and effect of moving a lever and hearing a bell ring, for instance.

Appreciation for a full range of colors

Babies see color from birth, but they have difficulty distinguishing similar tones, such as red and orange. (Babies can tell the difference between very different colors such as red, green, and yellow.) As a result, younger babies often prefer black and white or high-contrast patterns.

At your baby's age, color differences become clearer, and your baby has started to distinguish between similar shades. Present him with a variety of colors in books, toys, and clothing.

Encouraging Baby Development - 4 Months (Week 3)

1  Pass the Hat

At this age, your baby is thrilled to be able to hold things in her hand. A game of pass the hat – or rather, grab the hat (or the nose) – will send her into smiles of surprised delight.
Appropriate for: 4 months to 1 year
Skills developed: Sense of cause and effect
What you'll need: A hat with a brim
With your baby on your lap facing you, place a hat on your head, then lean in close. Let your baby reach up to the hat and grab it off your head. She may even manage to put it back on your head (with a bit of help from you). You can switch to another brimmed hat, but don't do it too often, which can confuse your baby. When she's done playing with the hat, give her nose a gentle pinch, then wrinkle your own nose and lean as close as you can. Once she reaches for your nose, she may be surprised to find that she can't remove it!

2  Tickle a Funnybone
Games involving body parts are even more fun now that your baby can move his arms and legs whenever he wants. With this one, you can help him associate an arm, leg, or belly button with a name.
Appropriate for: 4 months to 1 year
Skills developed: Verbal, fine motor
What you'll need: A plastic puff such as those that come with shower gel

With your baby seated in a bath seat or in the tub itself (with you right there), saturate the puff with water, then approach your baby with the puff submerged under the water. Say, "I'm going to tickle your toes," and tickle them lightly with the puff, pulling it out of reach by the string if he makes a grab for it. Approach from different directions, saying, "I'm going to tickle your knees, I'm going to tickle your back, I'm going to tickle your bottom," each time pulling the puff away through the water when he tries to grab it. When he's older, you can let him hold the puff and show him how to tickle his own knees with it, or put your hand down into the water and let him take a turn tickling your fingers.
Note: Never leave a baby unattended in the water, even for a moment.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

5-in-1 price hike, najib kata dalam malaysia kini

haih...baru pas isi minyak full tank, rm93.05...pasni tatau baper utk full tank...
gula naik, gas naik...
kadar jenayah dijangka naik, kadar kemiskinan meningkat, gaji juga yang tak naik-naik...
terasa merempat di negara sendiri, tak punya kuasa, tak punya suara...
apa lagi yang nak naik, sila la naik lagi...kami "redha" dengan kemelesetan ekonomi Malaysia...
konon nak ikut ekonomi global, takyah la kata, rega keta tak pulak ikut ekonomi negara.
takpe rakyat malaysia, kerja kuatlah anda untuk bantu negara bayar utang... :(

Off for 1 week

Will not be updating my blog, FB, etc until 22nd July 2010 due to ISO 9001:2008 Stage 2 Compliance Audit. Please feel free to email me at kedondongmasam@gmail.com.
See you around!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Stage 2 - Compliance Audit


Hari ni dah rasa seram-seram sejuk mengenangkan Stage 2 Audit yang akan start 19 ~ 21 Julai ni.
Lunch wih Auditor - aiyooo...place belum decide, quotation belum hantar, attendance belum confirm.
Any idea/suggestion tempat makan yang best2?
As for now baru ada few places yang dekat dengan office dan best...
1. Cyberlogdge
2. Bukit Jalil Golf Resort - best ke?
3. Palace of Golden Horses
4. JW Marriott Putrajaya
5. Sunway Atrium Tower
err...sebenr-benarnya nama tempat/hotel kat atas ni ikut sedap tangan menulis je. Nama betul belum dikonpemkan lagi.

Hmm, sok will be such a busy day for me, nak mengadap semua manager and verify their procedure and bla bla bla...

Dowh..dengan production issue lagi, rasa nak terbalik dah kerusi meja semua nih.

Entri akan datang (bila dah habis audit, saya ceritakan detik-detik di"audit" k..), rasanya hanya mampu saya tulis dua minggu dari sekarang...InsyaAllah..

Hmm..stress tak hilang-hilang lagi, banyak pulak yang menimpa-nimpa, tapi kena kuatkan semangat dan jadi profesional supaya masalah tak bercampur aduk dan dapat manage wisely... :(

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Shoulder To Cry On

Do you have someone around you during your ups and downs?

I am very sure all of us do have lots of friends whenever we are happy but unluckily, not many out there will be with us whenever we are in a mess...

Do you have any shoulder to cry on?

Me? Yes...I did..
What? Yup..again I am mentioning this...
I DID...

I DID before, but I have lost this person too...
I thougt this person will be with me all my life, but I am wrong...
Too bad, I have made a wrong decision by putting my hope, faith and trust on this person.

And I am back in reality...there is a shoulder for me to cry on, but it doesnt really look like a shoulder..huhu

Ya Allah, I have no one but You...

I am shed with tears...

I am 30 this year.. :)

Welcome to the 3series...(btw, I should have written this 2mths ago *wink*)

So adakah aku patut mencari sebijik BMW 3series untuk tahun ini?
(Kena letak target supaya kita ada motif untuk majukan diri)

Tapi my target is more to tunaikan haji...tak dapat pergi haji, umrah pun jadilah.
Aku teringin nak jadi tetamu Allah, tenangkan diri kat sana...Merenung kembali siapa aku, bermuhasabah diri dan memperbaiki setiap kelemahan yang aku miliki.

Ya Allah, Kau permudahkanlah segala urusanku, berkatilah hidupku dan izinkanlah aku menjadi tetamuMU...
Entering the 3series made me a bit matured (bukanla aku tak matured lagi sebelum nih). I learned to manage my anger. I know with whom should I speak and talk on my grievances. I no more blame anyone else. I tried to cool down whenever I am stucked in the traffic jam. I would zikir all the way to office rather than to switch on radio. 

Am I getting older by this way? NOPE
I am just hoping that 30 is a good start for me to change my life...
To be a better person.
A good DAUGHTER, a good WIFE, and a good MOTHER.
What do I get for my birthday?
First, the most valuable in my life...my lil Muhammad Amirul Al-Raziq.
Mama love you, always and forever...
And I am addicted to watch him sleeping every night. i could stay awake the whole night just to watch him sleeping...SubhanaAllah...

Ya Allah, jadikanlah dia seorang anak yang soleh, beriman, dan mentaati agama serta ibubapanya. Limpahkanlah keberkatan dalam setiap saat hidupnya...
Actually that is my birthday present for this year. Aku tak dapat apa2 hadiah pun melainkan ucapan dari keluarga, sahabat handai serta mereka yang mengenali aku. But Mr Hubby ada beli bantal last week, so I am proudly declaring that is my BIRTHDAY PRESENT for this year...A good sleep start with a good environment. And I have got my bantal already :)

Baby's Development - 4 Month (Week 2)

Eating less frequently

Your baby has a bigger tummy now, so she won't need to fill up as often. Four or five times a day will often do it, in fact, unless she's exclusively breastfed, in which case she'll still want to eat six to eight times a day.

Your baby may have doubled her birth weight by now, and she's still gaining, of course, despite her more mature eating schedule. (The content of your breast milk has also changed, with more fat and minerals to match your baby's nutritional needs.)

Don't expect maturity in her eating habits though: Your baby is easily distracted now, and feedings can become frustrating as she stops to watch a sibling or respond to an outside noise. You might try to minimize distractions by feeding her in a quiet, dimmed room.

Playing solo

By now, your baby can play with her hands and feet for a few minutes at a time. She's quite fond of doing one action over and over again until she's sure of the result. Then, she'll switch things up just a bit to see if the result is different.

Suddenly you realize it's strangely quiet in the bedroom and look in, only to discover that your baby, who so far has needed your attention for most of every waking moment, is amusing herself in her crib. You might be able to start reading the paper again — well, maybe just the headlines.

Baby's Development - 4 Month (Week 1)

Beginning to understand the role of language

Researchers believe that your baby can now understand all the basic sounds that make up his native language. Between this time and 6 months of age, your baby will develop the ability to make some vocal sounds, which means you may hear the words you've been dreaming about, namely "ma-ma" or "da-da." While child development experts say it's too early for your baby to connect those sounds with you and your partner, that won't make hearing them any less exciting.

You can encourage your baby's attempts at communication by mirroring or imitating his expressions and sounds. He may try to imitate you now, too. Say "baa" and he may try to say it back.

Reacting when your baby makes noises or tries to say something will help your baby learn the importance of language. It'll also help him better understand cause and effect. It's great for his self-esteem, too. He'll begin to realize that what he says makes a difference.

Expand on what your baby says and try to give it meaning. For example, you can say, "Yes, that is a ball!" Soon, his "ba" will become "ball."

Time for solid food?

For the first four to six months of life, your baby gets all the nutrients he needs from breast milk or formula. Still, parents are often eager to start their babies on solid food.

It's true that your baby's digestive tract is more developed now and his tongue-thrust reflex is starting to fade, so it seems a logical time to start feeding him some solids, such as pureed baby food or cereal. But there are good reasons to wait, too.

Starting solids later may cut down on possible allergic reactions, and ensures that breast milk or formula won't get crowded out of your baby's diet. And if you're hoping that eating solids will help your baby sleep through the night, studies have shown that you can't count on that happening.

The debate over when to start solids continues. If you're unsure about when to introduce them to your baby, talk to his doctor.

Encouraging Baby Development - 4 Months (Week 2)

1  Can You Top This?

Here's a madcap way to celebrate your little one's growing delight with unexpected events.
Appropriate for: 4 to 10 months
Skills developed: Visual, sense of cause and effect
What you'll need: A wide-ranging selection of odd items to put on your head

In the classic children's book Jenny's Hat, a little girl who's disappointed in the hat she receives as a gift tries on all sorts of odd things (a lamp shade, a flowerpot, an old-fashioned TV antenna) to see if they make better headgear.
Taking inspiration from Jenny's experiments, pretend your house is a hat store and round up a number of possible toppers. Nothing cracks a baby up like the sight of you wearing a tea cozy on your head. A cardboard box, a plastic bowl, a pair of shorts or leggings, or a wicker basket can also do the trick. As you put each object on your head, make a perplexed face at your baby and ask (à la Dr. Seuss), "Do you like my hat?" For a real capper, sit your older baby in front of a mirror and put the silly hats on her head.

2  Go Fish
Following bright and colorful objects is becoming a favorite pastime now that your baby has a well-developed ability to focus up close. And nothing is more mesmerizing than the iridescent hues of fish in nonstop motion, making this an ideal strategy to help you catch your breath while on the go – stopping in for a break from errands at your local pet store, at the house of a friend who happens to have a fish tank, even while waiting to be served in a seafood restaurant.
Appropriate for: 4 months to 1 year
Skills developed: Visual
What you'll need: Access to a fish tank or aquarium

Hold your baby right up to the fish tank, so the fish are at her eye level. Follow the different-colored fish with your finger as they swim back and forth, helping her track them with her eyes. Describe the fish to her, highlighting their differences: "See the big gold one? Watch that one going around in circles. See the tiny rainbow-colored ones? Don't they swim fast!" Choose one easily identifiable fish, perhaps the biggest or brightest, and help your baby track it around the tank. Explore her budding sense of "object permanence" (the concept that something still exists even when it disappears from view, which firms up at about 9 months), noting when a fish is out of sight and then pointing out when it reappears.

Encouraging Baby Development - 4 Months (Week 1)

1  Tummy Bubbles

Your baby's hands seem to be everywhere now; he grabs because it's so exciting for him to see something, reach for it, and actually touch it. His hands are learning to do what his brain tells them to do!
Appropriate for: 4 months to 1 year
Skills developed: Hand-eye coordination
What you'll need: Bubbles for blowing (store-bought, or you can search online for recipes to make at home)

Get your baby settled in a bath seat set on a plastic mat, bathroom rug, or towel, then break out the bubbles. Start by blowing a few gently in his direction, letting him reach out to them as they float by (and taking care not to get the soapy bubble formula in his eyes). Though he won't be able to catch the bubbles yet, he'll enjoy grabbing for them. Then start aiming bubbles at his legs, arms, hands, tummy, and so on, naming each body part as you go. ("There's a bubble on your tummy!" "There's a bubble on your hand!") If his skin is a little damp, the bubble may land without popping.

2  Bend Over Butterfly
As your baby becomes fascinated with animals and insects, pretending to be one together is a great way to pique that interest.
Appropriate for: 4 months to 1 year
Skills developed: Verbal, motor
What you'll need: No equipment needed

Sit cross-legged on the floor or ground with your baby sitting in your lap facing forward (away from you). Bend from the waist with your arms stretched forward, making a roof over your baby with your body, so you become a "cocoon" enveloping her. Speaking softly and slowly, say, "Okay caterpillar, you're waking up now." Gradually lift your arms over your head as you say, "You're coming out of your cocoon now, you're becoming a butterfly." Then sit up and reach your baby's arms up, too. Move your arms out to the sides and flap them, saying, "Now you're spreading your wings – you're a butterfly!" As you play this game over and over, your baby will eventually learn to flap her arms to "be a butterfly," too.

Variation: Once your baby starts walking, she can crawl into your lap as the caterpillar ready to make a cocoon, then stand up and "fly" out of your lap when she's a butterfly, continuing to wave her arms as she moves around the room.

Remember: Each baby develops at a different pace, so if yours isn't quite ready for this week's activities, don't worry — just try them again in a few weeks.

Karnival Sukan MSCSB & MdcKL

Despite of stress yyang aku alami semenjak 2 menjak ni, plus with the one yang "hempap" my head so badly this morning, I managed to join the company's event...

Sukimi + Hamidon + Syafawati + Me
*Rumah Merah kalah, dapat last...tapi takpe..janji menang sorak pun jadilah!

Best ke? Yup...Enough said, bolehla untuk meregangkan otot-otot dan melepaskan tekanan dalam pala otak nih...
(Seriously, I could not bare anymore pressure!!!)

Pic above was taken before the 2nd frame started. Frame di mana team C-merah menunjukkan belang dengan STRIKE and SPARE manjang selepas kalah teruk dalam 1st frame. (Ala, yang 1st frame tu saja je tak nak tunjuk skill, baru warm up tu)...

Dan juga gambar-gambar candid yang diambil sepanjang karnival berlangsung...(Gambar-gambar memalukan telah ditapis oleh Lembaga Penanpis Gambar..huhu)

Sebab kitorang group yang paling awal habis dan sangap tak tau nak buat apa, so the next activities is...playing pool...
Tapi aku tak puas hati sebab bola colour lebih 2 bijik dari bola stripe...sebab tu la asyik kalah je walaupun banyak kali hit.!!! Bro Shaha sampai panjat meja pool nak cue..kuangkuangkuang...

Johan - Biru
Naib Johan - Kuning
Ketiga - Orange
Keempat a.k.a. Last - Merah :(

Overall, hari ni cukup buat aku legakan stress dalam kepala, walaupun lepas tu aku start melayan perasaan balik...

At least something rather than nothing kan?


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Forgive and Forget?


Some words really hurts and could hardly be forgotten...


Anda Perlukan Pembantu Rumah (Indonesia)?

Saya turut memberi perkhidmatan Pembantu Rumah dengan bayaran RM6,000 (termasuk permit, FOMEMA, etc).

Sekiranya anda berminat sila hubungi saya di kedondongmasam@gmail.com.

Stroller : Stokke Explory Red

Haih, tak abih lagi ke pencarian stroller nih?

Sebenarnya dah malas nak pikir pasal stroller ni, tapi as I surf the internet, I came across this ad in my FB. And I do drop a comment. Seeing my comment there, ada satu hamba Allah ni pm me, asking whether I am interested to buy the same thing at the cheaper price....

Wow! Quite tempting gak ler...sebab diff terlalu banyak!!!

Offer A (RM6k) - without baby cot
Offer B (RM4k) - with baby cot

Specification is all the same...hmmm...minda mula berputar nak menjana idea untuk membeli..ngehngeh...

Kecik kan?

Kisah si Pembantu Rumah_Part Two

Sebab I stress ari nih, I nak sambung citer si pembantu rumah yang tergantung tu. kalu tak disambung, entah bila I nak sambung lagi.

Ada la ari tuh, my aunty datang bawak maid dia yang baru sampai dari Medan. Masuk guna pas pelancong la, so murah la sikit. Dia pun ada offer, if I need a maid, dia boleh suruh kawan maid dia tu calling-calling kawan dia..At first, berminat gak, tapi my maid application memang tengah proses pun. Takpela, tunggu je la kan!

Ok, back to the story...

My aunty mintak this maid jaga cucu dia yang 2orang tuh. And me, jaga anak sendirila. Those kids tanya I, flash card tu untuk apa, so I ajakla diorang bukak flash card tu and belajar sama-sama.

Maid ni tengok I dok layan bebudak tu, dia pun sambung tengok Nickelodeon (dah itu je yang I pasang time tu). Lepas tu, baby tidur, I sambung la buat keje lain, masukkan baju lam mesin etc. Dalam kotak flash card tu ada polistyrene, so yang abangnya start mengorek dengan kuku dan taburkan atas baby yang tengah tidur. Nanti I tegur kang, terasa plak my aunty, sangat rasa serba salah.. :(

While the maid hanya memerhatikan dan sambung tengok Nickelodeon. Yang si adik dok ke sana-sini dah tak tau buat apa sebab this maid tak layan dia pun. Actually dia dah ngantuk, and I supposed this maid patut bagi susu dan tidurkan dia, tapi dia buat tak tahu je, sambil menonton Nickelodeon lagi.

Then, the kids got bored, diorang nak keluar. Diorang amik selipar and pakai dalam rumah, sebab tunggu maid ni tak bangun-bangun dari mengadap TV. Adoila...I just don't understand la...I don't blame the kids, but I blame those who is being paid to take care of them. And I just can't imagine how the kids condition bila no one is around, sebab time ada orang keliling pun dia boleh buat nohen jerrr...

Finally, diorang nak balik, and the last person yang keluar is the maid, sebab dia still tak lekang dari menonton Nickelodeon!

Aiyoo...looking at that, I just cancelled my plan nak offer maid tu kat my friend yang memang tengah mencari maid..

Nasi Goreng Tengah Malam

Pernah dengar resipi nih?

aaarrr..ni la hasilnye bila tengah syok menaip, Mr Hubby kata, "Yang, lapar la..."

Ades, potong stim orang tengah melepaskan stress la...hmm..apa lagi, bukak peti ais, ada baki nasi sejuk. Nasi gorengla jadinye...taruk sikit sambal belacan ari belen hari bila ntah, taruk mixed vege, taruk telur..daaannnn...inilah hasilnya...

nampak tak menyelerakan sungguh..tapi lantak la..itu je yang aku rajin tengah2 malam ni..
janji Mr Hubby makan tambah 2-3 kali (ke sebab lapor? huhu)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Stress kerja T_T

Entri kali ini jatuh kepada......STRESS!!!

Saya memang sangat stress bulan ini..huh, camne la nak buat stok camni kalau asyik stress, takde masa (masa ada, tp tak tau pi mana) dan semua yang sewaktu dengannya...
Pagi-pagi tadi leh nangih sambil pam kat surau...pastu tak tau nak release kat sapa, so Mr Hubby la jadi mangsa...yelah, Mr Hubby kenal orang yang buat aku stress nih, senang sikit nak cite...

Audit oh Audit...
tik tok tik tok...tinggal lagi baper ari je lagi...huarghhhhhh

Camne ni, apa nak wat nih? Keja tak siap lagi. Kerja orang je yang aku dok buat, kerja sendiri??? 
Oh tidak!!!

Err...entri kali ini hanyalah luahan hati saya yang sedang stress je yer, kalau tak suka baca, sila skip... 

"Tuan, tolongla...bagila saya ruang bernafas untuk selesaikan kerja saya yang tak siap-siap tu. Saya bukan berkira sangat pasal kerja, saya boleh tolong kaver kerja orang lain gak...tapi ni saat-saat kritikal ni tuan...(dengan harapan suara hati ini akan didengari melalui deria keenam)"

Berkira sangat ke saya?
Pendapat saya sendiri...NO!
Tapi biarla kena pada masanye. Kalau semua meeting nak saya attend, kerat je la badan saya nih. Satu kat KL, satu kat Puchong, satu kat Ampang, satu kat Batu Dua!
(Tapi bowling sok...layaaaaaannn)
Urgh...entri kali ni memang tak de kualiti langsung!
Tak mau la tulih dah :(

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mood :(

Hari ni mood tak stabil, takde mood nak menulis apa2 pun...
Lazy Tuesday (Monday pun lazy gak, sama la Wednesday and Thursday)
Friday je kot mood baik..huhu..

Forgiven..But Unforgotten

Pernah tak you all marah? 
Pastu berdendam kat orang yang korang marah tu? 
Pastu takmo tegur orang tu? 
Pastu korang rasa cam tak best je gado2...
Pastu korang terpikir macam nak baik balik (tak kirala walaupun sampai bertahun-tahun baru korang nak berbaik)...
Pastu korang dah maafkan segala perbuatan dia...
Pastu korang pun dah kawan balik macam biasa...

Pernah tak?

Lepas korang buat semua tu, pernah tak korang teringat cerita tu balik?
Pernah tak rasa macam sedih?
Pernah tak rasa macam nyesal je korang baik balik sebab dia dah kenakan korang kaw2 waktu gado ari tuh?

Pernah ke?

Aku pernah...
Pernah marah, kecil hati, terkilan...
Pernah bergaduh, tak bertegur sapa dan muncung panjang berdepa...
Pernah berbaik semula dan cuba berlagak seperti tak ada apa-apa yang berlaku...
Tetiba dia ungkit cerita lain, dan buat aku geram sebab cerita tu gak la yang jadi punca kenapa aku gaduh dengan dia...
Dan pastu dia tukar situasi cerita tu seolah-olah aku yang mulakan..

Hmm...aku dah tak kesah, aku dah maafkan, aku masih berlagak biasa...
Tapi aku tak mungkin dapat melupakan...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Lazy Monday

Monday blues la katakan...

Plus with the traffic jam yang menyakitkan kepala..

Somewhere before exit to Kajang, ada satu mamat motor termenung dengan motornya yang rosak. Pity him. Starting day of the week dah jadi camtuh. At least kalau kena hari Jumaat tu takpe la gak. Bila kena hari Isnin, masak!!!! Spoil mood for the whole week. As for me, still crawling like kura-kura meredah MRR2. 

Finally, lepas gak jam tu. Bukan apa, pelik dengan manusia yang bijak pandai nih. bawak Merc, Vios...tapi accident langgar buntut sket, terus tak mau gi tepi, sanggup duduk tengah jalan dan menyusahkan pengguna jalan raya lain yang tengah bersemangat nak gi kerja nih. Adeh, napa la korang tak guna pala otak yang bijak tuh...

Rasa macam nak je turun kat situ dan sekolahkan diorang kejap.

Moral of the story: kalau accident, sila pindahkan kenderaan ke tepi dan beri laluan kepada pengguna lain!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mi Casa_Part One

F95, Persiaran Saujana 6


Finally, the house that we bought on February 2006 were completed on November 2007. But we were only acknowledged that on May 2008 as changes of mailing address has not been done by Glomac.

Are we moving in?

Err..tough question I guess...Mr Hubby is now working in KL and my office is also located quite far from this house. Thus, the house were left unattended.

Until one day, I had published it in the FACEBOOK. Free rental for 1 year, terms & conditions applied.. (in return, tenant kena pasang gril, buat wiring, pasang lampu & kipas dan akan menjadi hak milik tuan rumah lepas tu).

A friend of mine berminat, so she moved in somewhere mid Nov 2009...

The transformation of the house:
pandangan hadapan

pandangan depan gak

Stok EBM yang tak seberapa

Last Saturday tak tau nak buat apa pagi-pagi tu. Ingat nak masak, so kena la korek freezer. Terpandang pulak EBM yang bersepah-sepah. Hmmm, susun dulu la EBM ni before proceed buat benda-benda lain.

Hasilnya: Ini stok bulan 6 dalam plastik zip lock Autumnz dan few in bottles.
Dalam bekas ni pulak stok bulan 7 dan 4 peket (sebelah kanan) untuk bulan 5
Ini keseluruhan stok bulan 5, 6, 7
Takdela banyak sangat, tapi cukup buat aku bersemangat untuk teruskan usaha megumpul stok. Ramadhan is just around the corner. Kena usaha lebih giat lagi!!!

Gambatte kudasai!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Job vs Jobs Description

Kita keje mengikut JD atau JD direka mengikut kerja kita?

Mari kita fikir-fikirkan...

Kita kerja mengikut JD, itu yang sepatutnya. tapi adakalanya kita perlu juga buat kerja yang di luar skop JD yang dah diamanahkan.

Mesti ada yang tanya nanti, adakah ini luahan hati saya?
Jawapannya, mungkin!

Tetapi saya yakin bahawa jawapan yang sama juga mungkin diberikan oleh ramai pekerja di luar sana. 
Truth hurts! Haha...but that's the fact. Kena accept la kan?

Well, kerja pun kena tolak ansur. Ada masa kita pun ngular gak, so kena la kerja betul-betul dan ganti waktu yang kita gunakan untuk mengular tuh. So, kalau kena overtime tapi tak boleh claim, jangan cepat melatah. Kita kena ingat dan niat, kerja kita ikhlas kerana Allah, lagipun kerja itu ibadah dan amanah!

About JD ikut keje atau keje ikut JD, I think mana-mana pun ok sebab kita kena give and take. Tapi kalau asyik kena "take" aje, naya la!!!

Adala 1 orang ni, orang suka kerja dengan dia. Tapi bila orang yang kerja dengan dia tu sangat baik dan dia suka, dia akan suruh orang tu buat banyak kerja. My opinion, dia suruh sebab dia percaya dan dia yakin yang orang dia suka tu boleh laksanakan kerja tu dengan sempurna. Well, it is such  compliment, tapi I think it is very unfair untuk orang yang menerima job tambahan tu. Sedangkan orang yang sepatutnya dipertanggungjawabkan untuk buat kerja tu boleh goyang-goyang kaki je.

Haih, I nak komen lebih-lebih..I dare not! Sebab bila banyak cakap, orang marah kita. Bila kita diam, orang ingat kita redha terima semua tu (redha je la walaupun rasa terpaksa).

Then, what should I say???


What's For Lunch Today?

Sambal Tumis Sotong

1/2 kg sotong (cuci bersih) ~ dipotong bulat
5 sudu makan bawang merah dan bawang putih ~ yg telah dikisar
3 sudu makan cili kering ~ yg telah dikisar
2 biji bawang besar ~ dihiris
Air asam jawa ~ secukup rasa
Garam dan gula ~ secukup rasa
Minyak untuk menumis
Cara penyediaan:1. Bersihkan sotong dan rebus di dalam air mendidih selama tiga minit, angkat dan toskan.
2. Panaskan minyak dan tumiskan bahan-bahan yang dikisar hingga kekuningan. Masukkan pula cili kering dan tumis sehingga garing.
3. Masukkan bawang yang dihiris,air asam jawa, garam dan gula secukup rasa.
4. Kemudian masukkan sotong yang telah direbus, kacau rata dan bolehlah dihidangkan.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Pot Pet Pagi Jumaat

As usual, I will be mumbling sensorang lam keta about MRR2 traffic, again and again until I get bored (tapi tak tahu bila la kan?!)

Today's entry is about efficiency jaga traffic kat MRR2 especially kat pertemuan susur keluar DUKE, susur keluar Keramat AU dan MRR2 sendiri (setentang Glaxo Smith kline dan S.E.H)...Whooaa, very the detail akak menulis description of the location!

Bukan apa, I just can't understand, kenapa mesti ada orang jaga kat tepi jalan dan suruh orang jalan straight, walhal jalan tu memang straight pun!

I don't see any significant impact bila diorang jaga kat situ, sampai 3 orang plak tuh. But i could clearly see the difference bila diorang tak jaga, sebab jalan tu akan jadi very smooth... :)
No offence ye everyone...I tak kutuk and hina kerja diorang, cuma I rasa it would be even better if diorang kaji kat mana bottleneck, and try and error. If it does not help, maybe they have to change their strategy plak. Itu jer...hidup mesti creative maaaaa...

Think..Think out of the box!

Anyway, am really tired with the traffic situation in KL (esp MRR2), but I am still grateful that I don't have to live and work in Jakarta, which the traffic is even worst..*sigh*
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