Welcome to the 3series...(btw, I should have written this 2mths ago *wink*)
So adakah aku patut mencari sebijik BMW 3series untuk tahun ini?
(Kena letak target supaya kita ada motif untuk majukan diri)
Tapi my target is more to tunaikan haji...tak dapat pergi haji, umrah pun jadilah.
Aku teringin nak jadi tetamu Allah, tenangkan diri kat sana...Merenung kembali siapa aku, bermuhasabah diri dan memperbaiki setiap kelemahan yang aku miliki.
Ya Allah, Kau permudahkanlah segala urusanku, berkatilah hidupku dan izinkanlah aku menjadi tetamuMU...
Entering the 3series made me a bit matured (bukanla aku tak matured lagi sebelum nih). I learned to manage my anger. I know with whom should I speak and talk on my grievances. I no more blame anyone else. I tried to cool down whenever I am stucked in the traffic jam. I would zikir all the way to office rather than to switch on radio.
Am I getting older by this way? NOPE
I am just hoping that 30 is a good start for me to change my life...
To be a better person.
A good DAUGHTER, a good WIFE, and a good MOTHER.
What do I get for my birthday?
First, the most valuable in my life...my lil Muhammad Amirul Al-Raziq.
Mama love you, always and forever...
And I am addicted to watch him sleeping every night. i could stay awake the whole night just to watch him sleeping...SubhanaAllah...
Ya Allah, jadikanlah dia seorang anak yang soleh, beriman, dan mentaati agama serta ibubapanya. Limpahkanlah keberkatan dalam setiap saat hidupnya...
Actually that is my birthday present for this year. Aku tak dapat apa2 hadiah pun melainkan ucapan dari keluarga, sahabat handai serta mereka yang mengenali aku. But Mr Hubby ada beli bantal last week, so I am proudly declaring that is my BIRTHDAY PRESENT for this year...A good sleep start with a good environment. And I have got my bantal already :)
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