Tahukah anda 1 Dec adalah HARI AIDS SEDUNIA?
Sedikit artikel tentang AIDS yang aku gali dari internet buat rujukan semua.
Today marks the 23rd commemoration of Worlds AIDS Day. AIDS is one of the most devastating pandemics ever recorded. Since 1981, AIDS has killed more than 25 million people. And, it’s estimated that 33.4 million people are living with HIV/AIDS.
But what do AIDS and HIV actually mean? How are they related to each other, and what are their full names?
AIDS, and HIV, are acronyms. AIDS stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. People who have AIDS have an increased susceptibility to life-threatening infections, cancers, and neurological disorders.
HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, causes AIDS. HIV can be transmitted through blood transfusion, sex, contaminated hypodermic needles, childbirth, and breastfeeding. HIV destroys the important cells in the human body that fight disease and infection. While the immune system is capable of fighting many other viruses, like the common flu, it can’t fight HIV. Scientists are trying to figure out why.
(HIV should not be confused with HPV, human papilloma virus. HPV is a virus that causes genital warts and in some cases can lead to cancer. There are almost 200 types of HPV, and many cause no symptoms.)
While there is no cure for HIV or AIDS, drugs like AZT, the acronym for the drug “azidothymidine,” are prolonging the lives of patients. This antiviral drug is made from genetic materials found in fish sperm.
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